Update on Jefferson County – 2024 The current cycle for electrical contractors is 1/1/2022 – 12/1/2024. As of 2024, Jefferson County no longer requires PEUs. Update on City of St. Louis education requirements for license renewal: Change occurred beginning in 2023. Only an 8 hour code update class will satisfy the City’s CEU requirements every 3 years. EBMI offers a code update class at our Expo, held every 3 years, with the last Expo being held in August 2023. Your certificate can be used for licenses renewal if you attended this 8 hour code update seminar in 2023 OR you can complete the Understanding National Electrical Code class – 20 week course to fulfill the City of St. Louis requirement. Without an 8 hour code update class, contractors are required to have 8 education hours each year for their license renewal.